Retrouvez sur cette page l’ensemble des éléments utiles relatifs à l’Index Réparabilité des produits audiovisuels pro.
This page will provide you with all relevant information pertaining to the Pro AV Reparability Index.

Qu’est-ce que le ProAV Repair Index / What is the ProAV Repair Index?
C’est un outil volontaire d’évaluation de la réparabilité des équipements audiovisuels professionnels, établi par des experts, fabricants et distributeurs.
Ouvert et transparent, le ProAV Repair Index permet de comparer sur des bases solides et identiques la réparabilité des produits de différents fabricants.
Toutes les informations utiles, y compris les grilles de calcul, le logo et le Règlement d’Usage sont disponibles au téléchargement ci-dessous.
The ProAV Repair Index is a tool for evaluating the equipment audiovisual professionals, established by experts, fabricators and distributors.
Open and transparent, the ProAV Repair Index allows to compare the repairability of products from various manufacturers on similar and robust criteria.
All necessary files including the grids, the logo and terms & conditions are available for download here.
How to get involved and register products?
- Download and agree to the Terms of the Conditions of Use below
- Send registration request of your product(s) to leguen[at]
- Request access to the files by clicking on the relevant links: grids, graphic design
- Download and complete grids for as many product references as you want
- Send product reference numbers for relevant products to us
- Apply the logo and score to the registered products, on any material
- The Index is voluntary and based on self-declaration from manufacturers
- Third-party controls are being carried out to ensure the accuracy of declarations
- The funding of these controls is ensured through contributions to SEINEP according to the grid to be found in the T&Cs
Terms & Conditions (Règlement d’usage de la Marque)
Grilles de calcul / Calculation grids
Explanatory notice
Logo and visual chart
Any more questions ? Please contact us